Happy October athletes!!! Some how we’re entering the final quarter of 2017! We’re ready to finish the year out strong and go into 2018 more healthy and fit than ever! Who’s going to join us?? We hope you got your BINGO submissions in! Be sure to turn in your BINGO cards to a coach and we will tally all the Bingos & announce a winner later this week!
This Friday, we say ‘see you later’ to one of our long time coaches, Joel Hargett, as he enters a new chapter of life! We’ll be seeing him off with a little good luck party Friday night at 7pm at Piedmont Social House! Join us to come wish Joel the very best as he closes this chapter out!!
Here’s your look ahead…
Monday – Starting our week off with some pause front squats! Some single, heavy reps. Then, a short and sweet metcon of bar facing burpees & hang cleans. Hooray!
Tuesday – Getting upside down & working on our hands. After, 4 sets each for time of running, push press & bar muscle ups!
Wednesday – All the metconing today with 4 sets of rowing, hspu, pull-ups, air squats, and rowing. A little extra credit afterwards with some kb front rack carries
Thursday – A fun clean complex that will likely get that heart rate up! Then, an alternating EMOM of rounds of the chief and some double unders!
Friday – All the weightlifting with some snatch work, then some front squats! We’ll finish with a 10 min AMRAP burpee box jump overs, t2b & wallballs.
Saturday – Another fun parter WOD today of rowing, dumbbell thrusters & strict pull-ups, oh my!
Sunday Oly with Becca! Come get your lift on!
RISE Look Ahead
Monday – Aerobic day – 3 mins on/1 min off
Tuesday – Strength Day!
Wednesday – Glycolytic day – 20 sec on/10 sec off
Thursday – Anaerobic – 20 sec on/20 sec off
Friday – Strength Day!
Saturday – Glycolytic – 45 sec on/15 sec off
It’s a great week to have a great week!!