Ughh, work, always getting in the way of your CrossFit schedule 😉 We hope you had fun testing some of the girls last week. This week is full speed ahead, no days off as the holiday season approaches!
Here’s your look ahead…
Monday – Today is some running, doubles & kbs. 5 sets to be exact, every 7 minutes! Never miss a Monday!
Tuesday – We weight lift first today mixed with some accessory work. Some strict shoulder press superset with some hollow rocks. After, 6 sets of rowing, burpees and a little running!
Wednesday – Working some hang cleans today! Then a longer metcon, a 21 minute AMRAP. Think about pacing and just keep moving!
Thursday – Back squat day!! Working up to a heavyish 3 rep today. Your metcon is a fun triplet of front squats, pull-ups and running!
Friday – Ending the week with a snatch complex of power snatch + hang snatches. Afterwards a fun chipper!
Saturday – A fun partner WOD of rowing & wallballs! Grab your partner & get to work!
Sunday Oly with Becca!! Be there!
RISE Look Ahead
Monday – Aerobic interval – 1:20 on/30 sec off
Wednesday – Anaerobic interval – 20 sec on/20 sec off
Thursday – Aerobic interval – 1:05 on/25 sec off
Friday – Glycolytic interval – 30 sec on/15 sec off
Saturday – STRENGTH DAY!
It’s a great week to have a great week! As always, we’ll see you at the box!