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Welcome to Week 3!  By now, we hope you are feeling stronger and better in your overall fitness!  This week should bring lots of fun!  Listen to your body and be smart about how much weight you move!  Please remember to come to class prepared.  Take a few minutes when you get to the box to check the white board and get your percentages ready.  This will help class flow quicker and more efficiently!

Monday – Kicking off the week with some NFT gymnastics work…Handstand holds, KB carries and DU practice.  Remember NFT means exactly that, not for time, so take the rest you need and mobilize during your rest!  We finish off the day with a metcon of cluters and burpees over the bar!

Tuesday – Our weightlifting today is bent over rows superset with hollow rocks…whew should get spicy!  Then we wrap up with a descending ladder of floor press and box jumps!

Wednesday – Hump Day brings us back squats (whoop, whoop).  Make sure you know those percentages athletes!  Our metcon is a little 3 rounders of pull-ups and slam balls!

Thursday – Slow and steady wins the race today with a 30 Min AMRAP…du, wall walks, suitcase carry, push-ups and hollow rocks should have you feeling just right today.  Make sure you listen to your coach and pick the correct modifications!

Friday – We start out with an EMOM of a broken down thruster…one power clean, one front squat and one push press.  We will be working at 65-75% of our 3RM Thrusters.  A short and sweet 5 min AMRAP of box overs and abmat sit ups finishes up our day

Saturday – Happy weekend athletes!  Kick it off with a fun Partner WOD!  Cindy with a little running, rowing and biking in between some of the rounds should be tons of fun!

Looks like a fun week ahead!  Listen to your body and modify as needed!  If you ever have any questions,  please don’t hesitate to ask one of the coaches!!  Happy WODing and as always, we will see you at the box!

Michelle Shuck

Michelle Shuck

CFP Owner/Coach

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