It’s here, the last and final week of our Free Travel WOD Friday Summer Series!! This weekend we will celebrate Labor Day and the fast approaching fall season. But even if you have some fall travel planned, maybe a fall wedding or a mountain get away planned, just remember you can always search our blog for all the travel WODs from this fun summer series and even ones we’ve posted in the past!
Our final travel WOD is a partner workout, because it’s always more fun to sweat with a friend! So grab a friend & let’s get moving! For this WOD, you’ll need a 100m “route” if you will….a rough estimate of 50m out & back will do the trick. Followed by 5 burpees & 10 air squats all while your partner is holding a plank.
Since the planking will add up…plank freestyle, however you choose! Elbow plank, push-up plank, side plank, other side plank…athlete’s choice!
As always, feel free to save the graphic below to your phone, share it & be sure to try this workout whenever you can! If you complete this WOD, be sure to tag us on Instagram or FB & let us know your score. Have fun!