CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
3 sets:
:20 Dead Hang from Bar
5 Naked Bar Strict Press with :03 hold at top
:20 Hollow Hold
5 Kipping Straight Leg Raises
1 set:
1:30 Half Saddle Stretch Each Side
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min AMRAP
1:00 HS Hold
1:00 Hanging L-sit
15 Shoulder Press (95/65)
15 T2B
Pick an L-sit variation that allows at least :15-:20 unbroken.
Push the pace on the presses and t2b because you will need breaks on the holds.
Each second of the holds is a rep.
Use your phone stopwatch or the wall clock for the holds. No counting in your head.
Accumulate 30-50 Strict HSPU
This should take no longer than 10 min to complete.
Scales: 20-25 negatives, piked, DB shoulder presses