On July 3rd, Wodify’s payment processor is changing. Please check your wodify account on July 3rd to make sure your payment method is still there and to updated it if needed. Thank you!
CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
1 set:
Arms Only Rowing x 10 strokes
Hips Only Rowing x 10 strokes
Legs Only Rowing x 10 strokes
right into…
:30 Row Easy
:30 Row Mod
:30 Row Fast
1 set with naked bar:
6 Good Mornings
6 Kang Squats
6 Back Squats
6 Hang Muscle Clean
6 Tall Clean
6 Front Squats
Back Squat (12×1)
EMOM for 12 sets
1 rep at 80% across all sets
Focus on speed out of the bottom.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
42 Wallballs (20/14)
21 T2B
30 Wallballs
15 T2B
18 Wallballs
9 T2B
12 min cap