CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
:30 Banded Lat Stretch Per Side
:30 Samson Stretch Per Side
:30 Banded Lateral Walks Each Way
10 Scap Pull-ups
3 sets
1 Cluster + 2 Thrusters
1 Wall Walk
3 Ring Rows
1 Wall Walk or 25′ HS Walk
3 Pull-ups
1 Wall Walk or 25′ HS Walk
3 Bar MU or C2B
Metcon (8 Rounds for weight)
Every 4 min for 8 sets
3 Wall Walks (Rx+ 50′ HS Walk)
3 Burpee C2B (Rx+ Bar MU)
3 Power Cleans
Score is the sum of the weight of PC each round.
Only 3 attempts per round.
If you miss a lift, then that attempt does not go towards then score.