CrossFit Pineville – RISE
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10 Min AMRAP
ME Row Cals (Rx+ SKI)
EMOM 5 Burpees
In 10 min,Row as many cals as possible. At the start of every min (0, 1, 2,etc…) complete5 burpees before you continuing your ride.
Work on quickly entering & exiting the rower
Scale Burpees to have at least :30 on rower
Score is Total Cals.
4 Time Through (For Quality)
8-10 Waiter Grip DB Bicep
8-10 Crush Grip DB Curl
8-10 (Per) SA DB Strict Press
*Hold Heavy KB In FR On Opp Arm*
8-10 Incline DB Bench Press
8-10 Chest Supported Row