Well here we are, November 1st!! If you’re like me, you’re probably half questioning how we got here so fast and half celebrating the kick off of the Holiday Season! Most of us doled out a decent amount of sugary coated stuff last night (and ate some as well) and now, if you have kids, your house is probably still full of it!
The onset of the Holiday Season, while exciting, brings on a little anxiety for many! For those that try to be health conscious, the hustle & bustle, the busyness, the parties and food and drinks….ahhh. It can be a nightmare! Less time to get to the gym (did we mention the busyness?) and tempting treats and drinks at every turn (did we mention the parties?).
So join us over the next 8 weeks for a fun little Wellness Wednesday series – Healthy for the Holidays!
We’ll be sharing how to approach the holiday season with a healthy mindset, tips and tricks to keep you on track, and my secret weapon to zap cravings, bloat and unwanted body fat (visceral – aka belly fat)!!
To kick off our first week, here is the first tip – Have a nutrition plan & STICK TO IT!!!
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! We already talked about parties & the tempting treats and drinks. You can’t much control what’s offered as far as food & drink go at a party. But you know what you can control, what you eat all day leading up to that party (event, work dinner, etc).
With Isagenix, we follow shake days and cleanse days (we’ll get to cleanse days later on in this series 😉 ). Shake days make it SO easy to stay on track! 2 delicious shakes, 2 snacks and a fork & knife meal. The shakes are nutrient dense without being calorically dense (a win win!), are filling and super convenient. Snacks can vary greatly and offer a lot of variety, just remember, it’s best to mix a little protein, fat & carbs into every snack to keep you full and satiated.
As mentioned, when you have a holiday event scheduled, you won’t always know what is being served, so your fork & knife meal may not be planned out those days. But, if your day has been healthy leading up to that party, you should be on the right track!! (We’ll also talk about how to make good decisions at those parties later on in the series, so have no fear.)
You don’t have to follow Isagenix’s plan to still have a healthy day prior to your holiday event (although it makes my life so much easier!), again, you just need to have a plan & stick to it!!! For some that may mean meal prepping and macro or calorie counting leading up to the party. For others, it may mean a partial day fast, etc. Whatever your plan is, HAVE ONE & FOLLOW IT!
Here is to a HAPPY and HEALTHY Holiday Season!!!