CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
1 set: 50′ of each movement
High Knees
Hip Openers Forward
Hip Openers Brackward
Bunny Hops
Shuttle Run
1 set:
10 Ring Rows
10 Beat Swings
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Bigger Beat Swings
5 Pull-ups
Power Clean Progression
Power Clean (2 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats)
Every 2:30 for 6 sets
Power cleans to be touch and go.
Start around 50% of 1RM Power Clean
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
Every 8 min for 2 sets
800m Run
20 Pull-ups
10 Power Cleans (175/125)
Rest the remaining time in the 8 min once completed with the PC.