CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
2:00 Frog Stretch
2 sets:
10 Weighted PVC Pass Throughs
:15 SL SU Each Leg
15 Air Squats
:30 Hollow Hold
2 sets with Naked Bar
3 High Hang PC
3 Front Squats
2 Low Hang Power Clean
2 Front Squats
1 Slow Pull Clean
Power Clean (2 Clean Lift Offs + 1 Power Clean)
E2MOM for 3 sets
Build through sets.
Use these 3 sets to focus on positions and to finish the pull.
Immediately into..
Clean (8×1)
E2MOM for 8 sets
Build over the sets to a heave clean for the day.
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
2 Rounds
On a 3:00 clock
500m Row (Rx+ Ski)
ME Pull-ups (Rx+ C2B) in remaining time
Rest 3:00 b/t round
Score is pull-ups completed each round