On July 3rd, Wodify’s payment processor is changing. Please check your wodify account on July 3rd to make sure your payment method is still there and to updated it if needed. Thank you!
CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
Partner A: 3:00 Bike (increase pace every min)
Partner B: AMRAP
10 Lunges
:20 Side Plank Each Side
:20 Bottom Squat Hold
10 BW Good Mornings
Then Switch
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
Partner WOD
On a 12 min clock:
150 Cal Bike
ME ALT DB Snatch in remaining time
Rest 4:00
On an 8:00 clock:
100 Cal Bike
ME SA DB Thrusters in remaining time
Rest 4:00
On a 6:00 clock:
50 Cal Bike
ME Air Squats in remaining time
Score is reps of the ME movements