CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
1 set:
1:00 Echo bike (easy)
:20 hollow hold
:20 superman
10 kip swings
1 set:
:40 bike (moderate)
:15 hanging tuck hold
3-5 strict pull-ups
3-5 kipping pull-ups
1 set:
:30 bike (moderate-to-hard)
:10 L-sit hold
2 x 1-5 bar muscle-ups
– Rest as needed between sets of bar muscle-ups.
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
20 min ALT EMOM
Station 1: 15/10 Cal Bike
Station 2::20 L-sit Hold
Station 3:ME Bar MU
Station 4:Rest
RX is completing the bike and L-sit hold in the minute.
Score is total Bar MU each round
Scale Bar MU to Jumping Bar MU, Jumping Pull-ups or Inverted Ring Rows