CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
3 sets
1:00 Wall Hinge Stretch
:30 Naked Bar OHS
2 sets:
10 Alt Cossack Squats
5 Samson Lunge Each Leg
3-5 sets
1 Snatch Balance building to starting weight
Snatch Balance (7×1)
E2MOM for 7 sets
Start around 60% of 1RM OHS
If the OHS is a limiting factor then perform a snatch grip push press + OHS to a depth you can maintain positions.
Metcon (7 Rounds for reps)
14 min ALT EMOM
5 50′ shuttle run (25′ down and back =1)
:40 Burpees
Score is burpees each round.
Must complete 5 shuttle runs each round for RX.