We’re collecting kids pajamas for Levine Children’s Hospital! Please donate new, unworn kids pjs (all sizes needed!) in the lobby from 12/11 – 12/23!
CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
2 sets:
1:00 SU
1:00 Shuttle Runs
1:00 Elbow Plank Hold
1 set with naked bar:
5 Hang Muscle Clean
5 Tall Power Clean
5 High Hang Power Clean
5 Power Clean
4 sets:
1 Power Clean building to starting weight
Power Clean (12×1)
EMOM for 12 sets
Increase through sets
Start around 70% of 1RM
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
15 min ALT EMOM
Station 1: 6 Ring MU
Station 2: 2 Rope Climbs
Station 3: 12 Back Rack Reverse Lunge (155/105)
Scale MU to bar, jumping MU, C2B or Chin over bar. Choose your most challenging scale.
Scale reps, height or 3 to 1 rope pulls to stand