Fall/Winter Sweatshirt signups are in the lobby. The order will be placed on 9/24, so sign up soon!
CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
3 sets:
:40 lateral hops over the DB
:10 rest
:30 alternating shoulder taps
:10 rest
:20 hollow rocks
:10 rest
2 sets
10 Naked Bar DL
3-5 Push-ups/HSPU
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10 min AMRAP
Deadlift (185/125)
Deficit Push-ups (Rx+ Deficit HSPU)(45# plate)
You should be able to do 5+ unbroken reps of whatever version push-up you choose.
Hang onto unbroken DL reps as long as possible.
Sotts Press (Front Rack) (5×5)
Increase the loading across as many sets as possible.
If torso positioning is limiting your movement and range of motion, try putting your heels on 5 or 10-lb plates. This will help you maintain a more upright torso.