CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
1 set:
10 Leg Swing Per Leg
10 Alt Samson Lunges
10 BW Good Mornings
5 SA DB Power Clean Per Arm
1 set:
10 Lateral Leg Swings Per Leg
:30 SU
10 ALT DB DL Per Arm
10 ALT DB Power Clean
:30 DU
2 sets
6 ALT DB Squat Cleans
:20 DU
Rest as needed b/t sets
Metcon (Time)
10 RFT
10 ALT DB Hang Squat Clean (50/35)
30 DU
15 min cap
Deadlift (5-5-5-5-5+)
This is week 1 of a deadlift strength cycle that will last for 4 weeks.
Build through the sets.
Set 4 & 5 will be the same weight, but go for more than 5 reps in the final set without pushing to failure or losing positions.