CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
1 set:
:30 row, bike, or SkiErg
10 snatch grip deadlifts (empty bar)
1 set:
:30 row, bike, or SkiErg
10 snatch pulls (empty bar)
1 set:
:30 row, bike, or SkiErg
10 power snatches (empty bar)
1 set:
:30 row
10 overhead squats (empty bar)
1 set:
:30 row
10 hang squat snatches (empty bar)
3 sets:
2 snatches
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
Snatch (10×2)
E2MOM for 10 sets
Start at 50% of 1RM and increase throughout.
This does not need to be be touch and go, but both reps should be completed in :15.
If you miss a rep, reduce load by 10% and continue.
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
For time:
250m Row (Rx+ Ski)
Rest 1:00
500m Row
Rest 2:00
1000m Row
Rest 4:00
500m Row
Rest 2:00
250m Row
Record time to complete each distance.
Rx+ Ski distances are the same as the row.