CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
1 set:
10 Down Ups
5 Inchworms with Push-up
10 Alt Spider Stretches
1 set:
10 Squat Jumps
10 Push-ups
10 Beat Swings
1 set:
10 Burpees
10 Alt DB Deadlifts
10 Bigger Beat Swings
1 set:
10 Alt DB Snatch at workout weight
5-10 C2B
Metcon (Time)
Lateral Burpees Over the DB
Alt DB Snatch (50/35
15 min cap
Scale reps on the 20 and 10 sets if you are not completed with the 30s in 7 min.
The goal is to finish the workout and not get time capped trying RX.
5 sets
15 T2B or V-ups
Rest :30
100′ Dball Bear Hug Carry (Heavy)
Rest :30