CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
2 sets:
10 Forward Lunges Each Leg
10 Air Squats
:30 Side Plank Each Side
1 set:
5 Heels Elevated T-spine Rotations Each Side
5 Heels Elevated Kang Squats
5 Front Foot Elevated Split Squats Each Side
5 Tempo Counter Balance Plate Squats
Tempo Front Squats (8×3)
3 Reps Every 2:00 for 8 sets
Start around 65% of 1RM Front Squat
Build to a heavy 3-rep by set 6 and maintain weight for set 7 & 8.
3 sec tempo down.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
60 Cal Row
50 Wallballs (20/14)
40 DB Snatch (50/35) Complete 20 on right arm then 20 on left arm.
10 min cap