Fall/Winter Sweatshirt signups are in the lobby. The order will be placed on 9/24, so sign up soon!
CrossFit Pineville – RISE
Metcon (No Measure)
2×3 -1:30 on :30 off (AMRAPS)
20 Russian Twist + 15 Russian KBS
15 Surge G2OH + 2 Wall Walks
200m Run + ME Dead Bug
Pick Up Where You Left Off
Russian Twist is R&L=1. Non weighted unless athlete wants to
fAbtastic – Abs & Booty Class (5:30pm)
3-4 sets
15 Front Foot Elevated Split Squats R leg
5 Suitcase/5 FR/5 OH
Then L
6-8 Tempo Push-ups (on Parallettes if able) 31X1
Accumulate:30-:45 in L-sit
3-4 sets
8 SL Hip Thrusts R (add weight if able) with :20-30 hold after last rep
Then L
16 Heavy Russ KBS
16 Heavy KB Russ Twists