CrossFit Pineville – RISE
Metcon (No Measure)
1:15 ON :40 OFF 1×5 (AMRAPS)
40 Heavy Rope + ME Flutter Kicks
20 KB Swing + ME Wall Sit
:30 Bike + Dual DB OH Carry
fAbtastic – Abs & Booty Class (5:30pm)
4 Quality Sets of each – 1×4
Station 1 –
8 Burpee DL
10 DB Pull Through
:30 Ski Sprint
Station 2 –
:30 wall sit
10 Dbl KB Walking Lunges
8 KB Front Squats
:15 ME on Bike
Station 3
2 mins of work :30 of each
Plate Sit-ups
Russ Twists
Half Kneeling Plate Twist R,
Then L