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Alright athletes, we have been gifted another week in this life to work toward our goals!  What will you do this week to get closer to your goals?  Who started their Wendler squats this week!?  Don’t forget to get those squats in!

Here’s what’s coming up this week…

Monday – We have 3 rounds of a 5 min EMOM ascending ladder to complete!  You’ll add one 1 strict MU (or strict pull-up) + 1 front squat from the ground each round.  Rest and repeat for 2 more rounds.  Afterwards, a little tabata abmat sit-up action!

Tuesday – The fun begins with death by hand release push-ups….yikes!  Have no fear, there is a 20 round cap 😉 Your metcon is some conditioning work every 2 minutes, DU, running and TGU.  Should make for a great Tuesday!

Wednesday – Grab a barbell, you have some snatch and clean & jerk work to do every 90 seconds.  Staying on the lighter side at 65% for both lifts.  Keep your barbell for your metcon – you have 5 rounds of hang squat cleans, bar facing burpees & pull-ups to complete!

Thursday – Who’s working toward that muscle up!?  We have some muscle up progression work to start.  Then, all you’ll need for your metcon is a kettlebell!

Friday – We’re metconing first today, a spring in fact.  21-15-9 of deadlifts and box jumps.  Then some handstand gymnasty work!

Saturday – Partner WOD Saturday in full effect…pick your favorite partner and your favorite barbell!!

Sunday Oly – A little bit of everything today with hang snatch, jerk balance & clean pulls.

As always, we’ll see you at the box!!

Michelle Shuck

CFP Owner/Coach

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