CrossFit Pineville members–
What I’m going to share with you is what Chiropractic is and WHY it works!
Chiropractic is the restoration of proper bodily function by removing interference found within the central nervous system (CNS). What we fix is termed a subluxation: bone out of alignment causing an inflammatory process to occur surrounding the spinal nerve. We term this as “pressure” being placed on the nerve altering its function! (i.e. Interference) This in turn can cause a wide variety of symptoms, not just pain.
What causes a subluxation: STRESS! And it mainly comes in the form of physical (ahem, activity, CrossFit, etc), mental/emotional or chemical. No one gets through life without stress-induced subluxations at one point or another.
By taking the pressure off the nerve we allow your body to function optimally. The power that made the body heals the body! We put nothing in and take nothing out!
What’s in the near future for CFP members? Weekly/monthly family wellness programs will be available to members soon!
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns you may have!