CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
15 minutes
15 mins
3 sets
ME DB Strict Press
Immediately into…
ME DB Push Press
Immediately into…
ME Strict Pull-ups w/out coming off the bar
*Rest 90 sec to 2 mins between sets
*Pick a DB weight that will allow you to get at least 6-8 strict presses
*If scaling strict pull-ups, scale to at least get 10 reps
DB Shoulder Press (3×6-8)
DB Push Press (3xME)
Strict Pull-Ups (Bar) (3xME)
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds
400m run
50 DU
5 Squat Snatch
Snatch Weights
Round 1: (75/55)
Round 2: (95/65)
Round 3: (135/85)
Round 4: (155/95)