CrossFit Pineville – CrossFit
2 sets:
2:00 Bike
10 KB Headcutters
:30 Bottom Squat Hold
2 sets:
20 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Naked Bar Back Squats
Back Squat (5,5,3,2,2,6,8-10)
E2MOM for 7 sets
Set 1: 5@55%
Set 2: 5@65%
Set 3: 3@75%
Set 4: 2@85%
Set 5: 2@90%
Set 6: 6@80-85%
Set 7: 8-10@70-75%
Record weight and reps for the 7th set.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 min AMRAP
3 Bar MU
12 ALT DB Snatch (50/35)(Rx+70/50)
12 DB Goblet Squats