Happy Sunday!! Here we are again, another Sunday and another week ahead. It seems the cold weather is back, so dress in layers. Don’t forget, our revamped Yoga for Athlete’s Mobility Course will be this coming Saturday, the 20th right after 930 CF & RISE classes. Check out all the details in the link if you missed it, grab a friend, BYOM (bring your own mat) & don’t miss it!!
This week we start Open Prep! The Open officially begins February 22nd, so we have about 6 weeks where we will be a little more focused on barbell cycling, conditioning, open style workouts, etc. We will be consistently focused on the skills that come up more often in open workouts, so get ready for some fun and to work on those weaknesses 😉
Here’s your look ahead…
Monday – Back Squat day! Working through some percentages, then a max effort set at around 80% and a drop set at 70%. After, 3 sets of rowing, burpee box jump overs, t2b & thrusters.
Tuesday – A little push & pull work with some DB presses & push presses followed by some strict pull-ups. Then, 4 rounds of running, DU & squat snatches with increasing squat snatch weight. Fun times!
Wednesday – Barbell cycling, working on some power cleans today. For our metcon, we have a little chipper of rowing, bar facing burpees, muscles ups & ground to overhead.
Thursday – Starting off with 3 sets of OHS, some medball leg curls, and some L-sit work/progressions. Afterwards, 30 sec work/rest intervals of DU, jumping lunges, and v-ups.
Friday – Some shoulder press work to start us off today! Then some station work today of biking, American KBS + wallballs, rowing, and pull-ups + kipping HSPU.
Saturday – As always, a parter WOD awaits! Come get a good sweat on & then stick around to get your stretch on at Yoga for Athletes!!! Right after classes (say 1045ish) be there!
Sunday Oly with Becca! Come work on those Olympic Lifts!!
RISE Look Ahead
Monday – Anaerobic Interval – 30 sec on/30 sec off
Tuesday – Strength Day!!
Wednesday – Aerobic Interval – 3 mins on/1 min off
Thursday – Anaerobic Interval – 20 sec on/20 sec off
Friday – Glycolytic Interval – 40 sec on/40 sec off
Saturday – Strength Day!!
What will you do this week to get closer to your goals!? We’ll see you at the box!